

  1. ぎっくり腰の治療法-考え方は足の捻挫と同じと考えていただきたい。足をくじけば冷やして固定しますね。ぎっくり腰も全く同じです。しかし最近はお風呂に入った方が楽になるという話がよく言われていて実験したら確かに楽になる。お腹や腰の血行をよくすることで、回復が早く、暖めて鎮痛効果があるのであろう。
  2. お酒を飲まない-お酒を飲んで痛みが楽になると必ず少し動いて腰に負担をかけてしまう。酔いが覚めたら腰痛悪化という話は良くあるので、動かずにお酒を飲むという決意ならいいが、あまり薦められない。
  3. 固定をする-腰のコルセットを持っている方は多いが、よく見るとぎっくり腰にあまり役に立っていない物を持っている方も結構いる。我々がぎっくり腰の時に使うのは骨盤だけ締める細いベルトか、さらしでの骨盤固定である。コルセットをしても腰の痛みが変わらないのであれば、一度専門家にそのコルセットをみて戴いた方がいい。
  4. 食事をしない-「腰が痛いのだから身体に栄養をつけなければならない。」ともっともらしいことを言う方がいるが、実際はその逆で食事を止めて胃腸に負担をかけないようにして、腹筋に頑張ってもらうが正解である。敏感な方は満腹まで食べると腰痛を感じるので腹八分にしているというが、見習って戴きたい。今の日本人、1~2日食べなくても栄養は十分に足りている。

Low back strain

The other day, I strained my back after such a long time. I felt electricity shot my back when I twisted myself in a narrow space. As an acupuncturist, I know how to treat it: I applied a cold compress, wore a pelvic belt, and decreased food intake. In general, low back strain shows dramatic improvement in the morning four days after the onset. However, efficient treatment leads to faster and complete cure.

  1.  How to treat low back strain: basic idea is the same as for ankle sprain. We usually apply a cold compress and support with taping for ankle sprain. The same goes for low back strain. Recently, however, it is reported that some patients benefit from bathing in hot tub, about which I was skeptical. I tried myself and, contrary to my expectation, it actually worked. Possibly, it was because bathing improved circulation in belly and low back, sped up recovery, and relieved pain by warming up.
  2. Alcohol is not recommended: alcohol temporarily frees you from pain and enables you to move. Such movement can often worsen the pain after sobering. Drink if you can drink without moving, but if you can’t, avoid drinking.
  3. Stabilizing pelvis with a belt: many people have lumbar corsets, but most of them are not very effective for low back strain. We use a narrow belt that tightens around the pelvis only or long cloth to stabilize the pelvis. If your corset does not relieve your pain, see an expert and ask for advice about the corset.
  4. Refraining from eating: some people say “I need to eat for nutrition to recover.” It sounds plausible but it’s not true. Eating puts a strain on the stomach and prevents the abdominal muscle from working. I know some people who are sensitive enough to stop eating before they get full to avoid low back pain. Modern Japanese people would not suffer from lack of nutrition by fasting for one or two days.