


No matter what happens, your body can recover within two years

I sometimes see hardships in patients’ lives, such as bankruptcy, divorce, or loss of their child. I have found in them something in common: no matter what happens, their body recovers within two years. I don’t know why, but their body almost always recovers within two years even when their mental trauma has not recovered.
For example, when I see a former company president after one and a half year-break after his company’s bankruptcy, I find he has refreshed and regained energy.
Loss of a child gives a tremendous suffering to the mother’s mind and body. Her mental trauma may not go away, but still her body will recover within two years.
When people lose their spouse, the mental damage of husbands is heavier than that of wives. Usually, wives who lost their husbands do not talk about the loss. On the contrary, husbands who lost their wives always say, “Actually, I lost my wife recently” even when I am asking what’s wrong with their body, as if they can’t help but say it. Husbands just can’t get out of the depth of misery for at least 6 months; they start to recover only after 2 years.
Based on these experiences, I tell my patients, “No matter how painful it is, just wait for two years. Trust me, your body will recover eventually.”
You were born to be happy. Just wait for two years and you will get over it. People feel troubled because they don’t know how long it will last. If they can see how long the remaining time is, they will feel better. Healthy body leads to healthy mind.