

Positive side of poison

At a seminar on radiation, I learned about radiation hormesis effect, which means that exposure to a tiny amount of radiation may be good for health. It is also known that a tiny amount of bee venom (bee poison) is useful for treatment of arthritis. In fact, poisons can be useful.
It reminded me of an interesting talk by an anatomist. He said, comparing the lungs of two dead patients, “This patient’s lungs are a little bit dirty, although he was not a smoker. It was caused by the dust in the air while he lived in Tokyo. On the other hand, the lungs of a patient who lived in Okinawa have a healthy pink color. It’s usual for people living in Tokyo for a long time to have dirty lungs and such level of dirtiness does not affect longevity. It’s true that dust in the air is harmful to the lungs, but a tiny amount of dust can also enhance the immune strength.” It made sense to me. I once heard almost the same explanation from a Chinese medicine pharmacist. The same is true for longevity of couples: a husband of a nagging wife tends to live longer. These examples point to a common truth — we should appreciate a little bit of poison.