







Underlying cause of low back pain

Patients with low back pain who visit us share certain characteristics: they do not recover spontaneously; their pain persists although there are no abnormalities on the X-ray; and drugs do not work. As a result, their pain worsens and they think of trying acupuncture treatment. They do not have damaged spinal cord or a broken bone, except for those who need rehabilitation. Therefore, their chief complaint is mostly sciatica, which is associated with recent worsening of existing condition, recent exposure to cold, an aftereffect of a traffic accident, or a damage caused by playing golf. However, the underlying cause of their pain cannot be found in the back itself.
Thus, from our experience, we believe that possible causes of low back pain are due to problems of:

1. Head, such as stress or insomnia
2. Back
3. Belly
4. Leg

In most cases, the leg or belly is responsible. However, when we tell them these causes, they look puzzled. “I’m telling you I have low back pain… I’m not constipated. I don’t have stomach pain. I recently had gastric camera test and nothing was wrong,” they say. Even if you are not constipated, it does not always mean your colon is working well. When we touch their belly, we find something stiff on the same side at the same height as the site of pain. The stiffness is the reflection of the stomach or colon. As the stiffness and the site of pain are directly related to each other, sensitive patients feel electrical tingling in the site of pain when we push the site of stiffness. So, just a light touch on the belly can be a fairly effective treatment.

“You only touched my belly. Why is my pain gone?”

This is the same for the leg. Low back pain can be relieved just by treating the thigh. Again, the cause of pain does not lie in the low back itself. The low back is not responsible. It’s just suffering from the damage of the belly or leg. Since we understood this mechanism, it became much easier for us to treat low back pain.