

Your body is something borrowed

“Your body is something borrowed” – I heard this expression from a patient, who had heard it from a business person. It just hit me that this was one of the cores of what I had tried to convey to patients. Actually, your body was given by your mother. Your father’s involvement is not as much as your mother. In a mother’s womb, a fertilized egg divides and grows over 9 months into a baby. However, a mother never changes genes or cell’s programs, nor decides to make a new vessel, because she can’t. Babies grow spontaneously. A woman produces new life. Isn’t it amazing? Who devised this mechanism? Emerged spontaneously? God’s idea? Anyway, a baby-to-be becomes a baby when it comes out of the womb and takes a first breath. You are not the owner of your body. Then, is the owner your mother? God? Definitely not your father. So, I feel strange when I treat patients who have problems caused by overwork. I feel it must be rebellion of the body. If you naively think that you are the owner of your body and you can use it as much as you want, you will destroy it in the end. You don’t use borrowed things carelessly. The same goes for your body. I don’t mean that you shouldn’t make any effort, but that you should sometimes listen to what your body is saying. If you work too hard, your body will warn you. However, strong-willed people have no room in their heart to listen to what their body is saying. Your body is honest. You can’t clean the slate of overuse of your body. Old people often brag about hard work in their youth, but I can see that it must be the cause of the problems they have now. Probably, they don’t have the idea that the body is something borrowed. They may notice only after they have problems of their body. The idea is true. It may be difficult for you to believe that your body is something borrowed, but just remember it when you have some problems of your body.
